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Created with Raphaël 2.2.014Aug25Mar20Feb10Dec9715Nov1615Merge branch 'main' into feature/new-archfeature/new-archfeature/new-archAdd .gitlab-ci.ymlmainmainmore reasonable window sizesManager: Add CMDs for buttonsBasic GUI for Managercolors for GUIAdd Manager projectsCreate Main & ManagerAdd MainAdd empty Avalonia projectsSetup empty projectsRefactoringfeature/separat…feature/separationFix bounce time for Left ShoulderSeparate config fileUpdate README.mdAdd product infoUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdAdd publish profileMerge branch 'Manu-main-patch-53471' into 'main'Update README.mdUpdate README.mdAdd LICENSEAdd publish artifact app publish readyComplete feature setCleanup projectOrganizeInitial CommitInitial commit