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King Harkinian Soundboard App for Android. Written in Java (Android Studio). Features a Phrase Generator.
The Full-Stack website. Contains an overview of myself and links to different services.
Prank application which crashes the computer with a bluescreen. The process of crashing is achieved by defining the current process as "critical" to the operating system. This means, if the application is closed, the operating system halts instantly.
An application that can make backups of folders. Users can manage the folders to be backed up in a convenient list.
Can calculate how long to stay at work to reach 8 or 9 hours.
Shows information about the computer system
Kills background Visual Studio processes to get rid of file locks on repository folders and files.
A console application that produces a colored rank table with infos about the current repository.
A Terminal Chatroom with ChatGPT.
A very simple app for controlling your computer with a game controller.
Spring Backend providing an API to access data from a database
This project was created along the Module 183 to demonstrate real life application security situations.
Application security demonstrated within an application.
This is a simple game where you control a square character and shoot bullets. Multiple players can join one game server and play with each other.